- Angelababy进医院做整容鉴定2015-10-27 14:04:36
- Angelababy进医院做整容鉴定
A top Chinese actress has had her face examined as part of a high-profile legal case in China, local media report. Actress Angelababy is suing a clinic for - 香港明星补习教师身价超千万美元2015-10-27 14:03:12
- 香港明星补习教师身价超千万美元
Lawsuits; multimillion-dollar battles for talent; celebrities emblazoned on billboards all over town. It sounds like Hol - 怎样让他更爱你?2015-10-27 13:59:24
- 怎样让他更爱你?
6句话 让他对你死心塌地
1. “I trust you”1. “我信任你”There is nothing as nice as hearing someone tell you they trust you. This is a good way of letting yo - 从美国名牌高校毕业, 你能挣多少钱?2015-10-27 13:58:29
- 从美国名牌高校毕业, 你能挣多少钱?
Colleges give prospective students very little information about how much money they can expect to earn in the job market. In part that's b - 苹果在中国怎么样?2015-10-27 13:56:15
- How's Apple doing in China?
Apple’s growth in China may have slowed after last year’s sprint, but consider the competition.去年的爆发式增长过后,苹果公司在中国的 - "推特"宣布裁员8%2015-10-27 10:04:55
- "推特"宣布裁员8%
In Jack Dorsey's first major action as CEO, Twitter has laid off 8% of its employees.Jack Dorsey担任twitter首席运营官的的一项重大举措就是裁员8%。Twitter said i - 囧研究:睡足8小时扯淡!2015-10-27 10:03:58
- 囧研究:睡足8小时扯淡!
If you only got six hours' shut eye last night, there is no need to lose sleep over it.如果昨天晚上你睡够了六个小时,那么你真的没有必要再继续睡下去了。Sci - 习近平总书记访英遇最高待遇2015-10-27 10:02:50
- 习近平总书记访英遇最高待遇
Few national leaders has had the honor of meeting so many British royals in one day, but with Chinese President Xi Jinping, all efforts have been ma - 升职失败意味着你该辞职吗?2015-10-27 09:59:37
- Does a missed promotion mean it's time to quit your job?
The Leadership Insider network is an online community where the most thoughtful and influential people in bus - 为何女性更爱幽默的男生?2015-10-27 09:58:26
- 为何女性更爱幽默的男生?
In a relationship, sexiness wears thin after a while and beauty fades, too. In such a scenario, it is indeed a treat to be married to a man who makes you lau - 多国制定新规打击跨国企业避税2015-10-27 09:57:17
- 多国制定新规打击跨国企业避税
The world’s leading finance ministers agreed new rules for taxing profits yesterday, warning multinational companies t - 中国运动服装市场逆势坚挺2015-10-27 09:55:07
- The market that persists in the waning Chinese economy
Although China’s economy isn’t in the best shape, there is at least one market that investors shouldn - 美国亚裔学生联谊会接连上演暴力悲剧2015-10-21 21:27:53
- 美国亚裔学生联谊会接连上演暴力悲剧
Syracuse University students trying to join Nu Alpha Phi, an Asian-American fraternity, were given demerits when they made mista - 非小说类文学作家摘得诺贝尔文学奖2015-10-21 21:26:45
- Nonfiction author nabs Nobel
The Nobel Prize for Literature has gone to non-fiction writers only a few times in its 105-year history, but this year for the first - 诺贝尔经济学奖得主理论简述:生活正越变越好2015-10-21 21:24:30
- Nobel Prize in Economics winner Angus Deaton's theories, in plain English
The world: Is it going to hell in a hand basket? Or is life improving?这个世 - 未来,家具会飞2015-10-21 21:23:06
- In the future, furniture will be drones
Imagine a future where your furniture flies, reacting and responding to your everyday needs. You could have an almost-sentient desk that je - 2015年诺贝尔奖对中国传统中医意味着什么2015-10-21 21:21:26
- What the 2015 Nobel Prizes mean for traditional Chinese medicine
I’m sure I’m not the only one surprised by the announcement that half of the - 长眠于月球,只要12000刀2015-10-21 21:19:51
- You can rest in peace on the moon for $12,000
You might not make it to heaven in the afterlife, but you sure can go as far as the moon. Celestial funerals are now a possi - 科学家12年不洗澡,靠微生物喷雾清洁2015-10-21 21:18:30
- Scientist hasn't bathed in 12 years, uses bacteria spray to keep clean
In a bid to prove that showering is overrated, an American scientist hasn’t had a - 三星漫长的国际化噩梦暂告终结2015-10-21 21:17:19
- Samsung's long, international nightmare is over (for now)
Can you believe it?你相信吗?After almost two years of less-than-impressive earnings, Samsung’s fort - 内向女人相亲记如何进行?2015-10-21 21:16:02
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Set some personal boundaries with yourself as you go along.在相亲时为自己设定界限。This point is important, first and foremost. Once, I went on four dat - 天下熊孩尽相同2015-10-21 21:14:47
- 2岁乔治王子拥有技能TOP10
1. Become a master of combat1. 做个对抗高手There is no pain like biting, hair-pulling, pinching and the following patented manoeuvres:没有哪一种疼痛可以和 - 打造“下一个硅谷”大潮中隐藏的一个重要问题2015-10-21 21:13:45
- The problem with trying to be the next Silicon Valley
Every city wants to be the next Silicon Valley. In the last decade, policy makers and - 领英员工可享 “无限假期”2015-10-17 10:31:49
- LinkedIn now offering employees 'unlimited' vacation time
领英员工可享 “无限假期”
Like all-you-can-eat shrimp or the right to consume candy and ice cream all day because your parents - 人为实现冬暖夏凉易引发疾病2015-10-17 10:30:14
- Central heating can leave you feeling sick by suppressing genes that ward off disease
An 'eternal summer' created by home heating and lighting may be disrupting season