
如何在第一份工作中脱颖而出2009-06-11 19:46:52
在现在就业形势这么低迷的年头,能找到一份工作就是很不容易的事情了。但是找到了之后如何能保住这份工作呢?一起来看看这篇文章吧。Hopefully this isn't news to the Class of 2009, but the workplace is more c
职场中遇到不良同事怎么办2009-06-10 21:12:59
Times are tough enough without having to deal with a toxic coworker; but if you do, you may be stuck with them longer than usual, thanks to a weakened economy. Consider these hints to ease the tension
办公室里气得要死怎么办2009-06-08 19:12:33
"If Joanne cracks her gum one more time, I swear I'm going to send my stapler sailing into her cubicle," you think to yourself. "And that incessant babbling on the phone -- no wonder my workload is g
世界上最幸福的工作大盘点2009-06-07 16:58:04
一说起我们赖以谋生的工作,很多人想到的会是朝九晚五、单调、乏味、沉闷等等字眼,其实世界上有很多幸福的工作,咱们一起来盘点一下吧。最“风光”的工作:澳大利亚大堡礁 Queensland launched the 'Best Job
职场妈妈照顾自己更重要2009-06-07 16:49:23
Of all the tips for working moms, top of the list has to be taking care of yourself. Mom's needs often seem to come last. After your kids, their dad, your job, the pets, and endless errands, that is.
致毕业生:什么样的工作不能签2009-06-07 16:48:19
如何挺过新工作试用期?2009-06-07 16:44:14
In today's world of flexible work and intensive performance assessment, careers are often measured in months rather than decades. 在当今这个工作灵活多样、业绩评估又十分苛刻的世界里,职业生涯通常是以
应届毕业生求职注意事项2009-06-07 16:40:55
你知道用人单位都想要什么样的员工吗?正在找工作的人可要注意了,下面这几条都是用人单位在招聘时注重的条件,你可以按照这些条件准备哦。1. Relevant experience 相关工作经验Twenty-three percent of hiring mana
面试翻译文员经验:人生需要自己把握2009-06-07 16:35:19
应聘职位:翻译文员 意外来电:昨天就在我工作的地方接到一个电话,说看到我的网上简历之后要我去面试的。对方是一个女士,电话中她问了我一些目前的情况(包括住所,是否在职等一系列问题),可是说翻译文员已经另招
如何应对外企面试中的外语口试2009-06-07 16:33:52
在职场中脱颖而出就这几招2009-06-07 16:18:14
If you're concerned about protecting your job, it's important to take steps to raise your profile. While you don't need to brag about your on-the-job achievements in order to get noticed, increasin
找工作必读:面试出门八件事2009-06-06 21:10:30
A big job interview is coming up and you are feeling very confident. You have anticipated the questions they might ask and have prepared some great answers. Fresh copies of your resume are sitting in
求职:建立良好的第一印象2009-03-18 09:17:06
一旦你见到了有权利决定是否雇用你的人,让他对你有个好印象非常重要。So, the first thing to do is to concentrate on making a good first impression. During the first 15 seconds of an interview, an employ
国外求职面试中的文化差异2009-03-18 09:15:38
很多学生抱怨在国外求职难。难在哪里? 除了语言能力的欠缺,东西文化上的差异使得中国人的思路与西方人的思路有很大不同,因而在两种不同文化背景下的求职也大有差别。 行为与表达方式的差异 东方文化中,与人谈话时
双语:给应届毕业生的求职建议2009-03-18 09:14:46
By Alexandra Levit, Author, "They Don't Teach Corporate in College: A Twenty-Something's Guide to the Business World" I will never forget how lost I felt the summer after my graduation from college,
经济寒冬中的求职高招2009-03-18 09:13:58
If you're among the more than one million workers who've been laid off this year, finding a new job will require a strategy that differs from a typical search. 如果你不幸成为今年超百万失业大军的一
低迷时期如何找工作2009-03-18 09:13:04
Whether or not the US economy has hit a recession, one thing is clear these days: Uncertainty is in the air, and it affects nearly every economic sector, including the job market. 不论美国经济是否在消
找工作一定要专业对口吗?2009-03-18 09:12:25
What do these people have in common: Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan, comedian and actor Steve Martin and former Attorney General Janet Reno? 前美联储主席艾伦•格林斯潘,喜剧演员斯蒂夫&
关于求职被拒你应该知道的事情2009-03-18 09:09:13
Don't be demoralized when an employer turns you down. The reasons behind a rejection usually have more to do with the company than with you 当一位雇主拒绝你的时候,不要因此而消沉。拒绝背后的原因通常
2008年终毕业生薪酬盘点2009-03-17 09:12:33
职场忠告:被炒了之后怎么办2009-03-17 09:09:19
Getting fired, unfortunately, can happen to the best of us. It can happen even when it's not your fault. There could be a personality conflict between yourself and your supervisor. Your idea of what
十个方法帮你找到工作2009-03-17 09:06:54
If you have been laid off, your new occupation is looking for work. 如果你被裁了,那么你的新工作就是找工作。"It is a full-time job, probably the hardest one you'll every have," says Leslie G. Griffe
六点提示帮你找到新工作2009-03-17 09:05:01
Here are half a dozen essential tips for landing the right job in good economic times or bad: 本文有六条必备贴士能帮助你不管在什么经济形势下都能找到合适的工作: Try a Sales Technique 尝试一些销售技
找工作条件太好没人要怎么办2009-03-17 09:04:16
Maybe you've been laid off from a high-paying job and prospects for similar positions are scarce. Perhaps you're looking for a greater work-life balance that only a step down the corporate ladder ca
英文求职信应该怎么写2009-03-17 09:03:35
Whether you're submitting a resume cold or responding to a job posting, always include a cover letter. Yes, they're tedious to write, but a solid cover letter can make the difference between getting