体育词汇:篮板球 rebound

时间:2008-08-25 09:57:36 来源:英语学习网站


Tim Duncan finished with 24 points and 16 rebounds, and Tony Parker scored eight of his 22 in overtime to lead the San Antonio Spurs to a 104-95 victory over the Chicago Bulls on Monday night.

大家都知道rebound有“弹回、跳回”的意思,rebound在篮球比赛中,还可用来指“篮板球”、“篮板球抢得”,也就是在球没有入篮而从篮板或篮框弹出来之后重新获得球的控制权。例如: He seized the rebounds and sank the basket.(他抢得篮板球,投篮得分。)

Rebound可直接作动词使用,如:The guard rebounded the ball in backcourt.(后卫在后场抢得篮板球。)

On the rebound 是个有趣的词组,尤指“(失恋后)闪电式的恋情”,如He married a different girl on the rebound.(他失恋后立即与另一女孩结婚。)

