- 如何准备流利的面试英语2009-03-17 08:59:44
- I:Interviewer(面试者)A:Applicant(求职者) 教育背景:简明扼要,实话实说尽管你在简历中对自己的教育背景作了介绍,但在面试时,面试官还有可能就此方面提问。还是事先做点准备吧。①I: what is your major?
- 面试中考官常见提问回答攻略2009-03-17 08:57:09
- 面试过程中,面试官会向应聘者发问,而应聘者的回答将成为面试官考虑是否接受他的重要依据。对应聘者而言,了解这些问题背后的“猫腻”至关重要。本文对面试中经常出现的一些典型问题进行了整理,并给出相应的回答思
- 英语面试中可能用到的英语词句2009-03-17 08:51:49
- 想找一份满意的工作吗?面试中面对外国老板连珠炮似的提问,有没有觉得心慌意乱、无所适从?求职过程中面试尤为重要,回答问题,如果能简明扼要,真诚中肯,合乎老外口味,那么录取机会必定大大增加。当然,有的问题,
- 外企面试官最爱提的十个问题2009-03-17 08:51:06
- 1.请介绍一下你自己。 这是外企常问的问题。一般人回答这个问题过于平常,只说姓名、年龄、爱好、工作经验,这些在简历上都有,其实,外企最希望知道的是求职者能否胜任工作,包括:最强的技能、最深入研究的知识领
- 面对如此稀奇古怪的面试题时你会如何作答?2009-03-16 09:30:01
- 1、What percentage of the world's water is contained in a cow? Come on answer... We're waiting... This is just one of the oddball questions asked to Oxbridge candidates. 一只母牛身体中所含有的水
- 求职时切不可问8个问题2009-03-16 09:29:19
- When they finish quizzing you,interviewers always ask, "So, do you have any questions?" That's your cue to show off your research with queries about the company's competitors, plans for growth, sp
- 从面试者角度看成功的应聘的关键2009-03-16 09:28:33
- 虽然本人不在人事部门, 但因为工作关系, 为应对本部门的业务扩展和客户不断增加的需求, 本人在这两年里面试过超过300多人次(包括WALK-IN INTERVIEW), 并且从中直接选择了38名不同技术层次雇员. 这些应聘者的国籍包括
- 面试应避免的负面肢体动作2009-03-16 09:27:57
- 面试在求职活动的过程中,对于求职者而言,可说是压力最大的一阶段 ,因为能否成功地达成就职,全靠这临门一脚。因此,想要在面试中成为胜利佼佼者的话,唯有做好万全的准备,才有收事半功倍的机会。 1、一边谈话,一
- 6个面试的经典英文问题2009-03-16 09:27:17
- First One: please tell about your work experience"work experience" is the type of work you've done in the past. If you haven't started working yet you can say "Right now I'm still a student." or "
- 十条精选电影面试语录2009-03-16 09:26:45
- 一句精彩的引用可以让你的面试加分不少哦!下面是一些从电影中选出来的经典语录,你面试的时候不妨引用一下。不过首先还是要记住应该察言观色,在合适的时候说出来。 1、"There is no certainty, only opportunity."
- 顺利面试的五点建议2009-03-16 09:24:27
- To ensure your interview is smooth and error-free, follow these five tips. 要避免错误、顺利进行面试,请遵循以下五点建议: • Do some research: When you walk into a job interview, knowledge of
- 面试十大离谱错误2009-03-16 09:23:43
- 在上一次,我们给大家提供了一些顺利面试应该遵循的法则。 Unfortunately, many job seekers are not only ignoring these tips, they're making mistakes that leave unforgettable impressions for all the wrong
- 面试必读:小问题中有大玄机2009-03-16 09:22:43
- "Tell me about yourself." “谈谈你自己吧。”This seems like such an innocuous question, but many novice job candidates have a hard time giving an answer. Even experienced interviewees can sound like
- 十个问题测出你的面试IQ2009-03-16 09:20:02
- After networking, sending resumes, and waiting patiently by the phone, all your hard work has paid off with an invitation to interview. But, how do you prepare? What do you wear? And, how should you e
- 如何巧妙询问面试结果?2009-03-11 13:27:16
- 每个求职者在面试过后,都希望能尽快知道自己是否被录用。但是如果迟迟没有得到结果,那么最好就要打个电话过去问问清楚了。I’m just calling to follow up on the status of the Personnel Manager. 我打电话来是
- 让求职面试起死回生的五个绝招2009-03-11 13:25:51
- There are many ways for an interview to go wrong. 搞砸一个面试的方法有很多。You show up late. There's a stain on your shirt. You accidentally insult the interviewer's mother. 你迟到了、你把衬衫弄脏
- 求职须知:二面应该怎么做?2009-03-11 13:25:14
- 关于简历和面试可能你已经掌握很多知识了,但是,成功的得到二面的机会以后要怎么办呢?二面和一面有什么不同呢?一起看看这篇文章吧。Congratulations! You wowed your prospective employers on your first interv
- 面试应该问面试官什么问题2009-03-11 13:19:44
- The interviewer asks you, "Do you have any questions for me?" 面试官问你,“你有什么问题要问我吗?” You say ... "Yes!" 你回答说……“有!”This is the easiest interview question out there. Always
- 面试中的棘手问题要如何回答2009-03-11 13:19:01
- You know they're coming: Those seemingly unanswerable questions that pop up during job interviews. 你知道该来的总会来:那些看起来无法回答的问题总会在求职面试的时候突然冒出来。 You can't clam up. An
- 如何撰写毕业生英文简历?2009-03-11 13:14:50
- XXXX Central University of XXXX Department of Economics XXXXX(100000)________________________________________________________________________EDUCATION:Central University of XXXX Department of Ec
- 英文简历中不该出现的话2009-03-11 13:13:00
- 致命的大错: "Finished 8th in my high school graduating class of 10." "Qualifications: No education or experience." "I am relatively intelligent, obedient and loyal as a puppy." "My com
- MASTER申请宝库之简历2009-03-11 13:10:37
- 说明:简历仅供参考,括号内的中译文为编辑所加,只为阅读便捷参考所需,正规文本不附中文 简历格式: CURRICULUM VITAE PERSONAL INFORMATION 包括Name(姓名)、Gender(性别)、Marital Status(婚
- 英文简历要有“魔鬼身材”2009-03-11 13:09:37
- 一份好的简历之精髓就在“吸引力”这三个字上。你的简历必须有足够的attractive(魅力),吸引HR给你面试机会。说到魅力,也许你的脑袋里立刻闪现出许多女人味十足的面孔。好简历的魅力也是一样:凹凸有致、魔鬼身材
- 如何以专业水准做简历?2009-03-10 20:28:40
- It’s very hard to write your own resume because a resume is a macro view of your life, but you live your life at the micro level, obsessing about daily details that have no bearing on your resume. So
- 英文简历:雅虎工程师的奇特简历2009-03-10 20:27:57
- 最近雅虎颇为动荡,之前的收购闹得沸沸扬扬,高管纷纷离职,于是猎头们也虎视眈眈。一位雅虎的工程师艾萨克·施吕特不堪忍受猎头骚扰,于是发出一封奇特的简历,开价40万美元没得商量。Price$400,000 (It's not ne