新词新译 #194 官二代 the second officer generation

时间:2010-04-05 10:18:10 来源:英语学习网站

the second officer generation
The term, another word popular over the Internet after “the second rich generation” and “the second poor generation,” refers to children from families of senior officials. Their privileges are based on their parents’ power or other useful networks, instead of their own accomplishments. This second generation is notorious for their domineering practices and other misdeeds that annoy the public.

flash play

The term means a very short trip. A new way of traveling has become popular among young people, especially office professionals, who fly somewhere on Friday night and fly back before work on Monday morning. They also seek new companions online to extend their social network.

involuntary father

The term became popular when an obscure model said she had a child with actor Jude Law, confirmed by a DNA test. Law was then “forced to be someone’s father” because the model deliberately did not use contraceptives.

naked machine

The term refers to computers or intelligent mobile phones without operating systems or software. Many young people who can install operating systems themselves tend to buy “naked” computers or mobile phones as they are cheaper than those with operating systems.

speculate on new stock issues

The first character “chao" means "speculate on," while the second character "xin" means "new." The Chinese term is an abbreviation of a longer expression which means to "speculate on new stock issues."

male recession

Because many men have lost their jobs or found their salaries slashed during the current global economic recession, this financial downturn has been dubbed humorously as the "male recession."


The Chinese term is a transliteration from the English word "geek." The Chinese term refers to a person who does not dress fashionably but is addicted to and good at computers.

sisterhood; a woman's close girlfriends

The Chinese term comes from Taiwan and means sisterhood or the relationship between two or more women who are very good friends.


The term refers to those who smoke on their balcony in the evening. From a distance these people look like fireflies in the dark.

