蹩脚口语:reveal the secret
地道口语:cat out of the bag
Dan: Oh. I-i see the cat's out of the bag.
Rufus: And,uh,topless on Valentino's yacht.
Jenny: Ooh,that's not fair. Everyone's topless on Valentino's yacht.
Rufus: What about this one where she's dancing on the table?
Eric: Uh,well,that's what you do in Barcelona.
Rufus: And the one where Prince Harry's doing shots off of her--
Dan: That's what you do in Central Peyrehorade
Rufus: Some of these pictures he the same guy in them, but you can't quite make him out. I wonder who he is.
Dan: 哦。看来天机泄露了。
Rufus: 在华伦天奴的游轮上衣冠不整。
Jenny: 哦。这话有失公道。华伦天奴的游轮上谁都是衣冠不整的。
Rufus: 那这张在桌上跳舞是怎么回事儿?
Eric: 在巴塞罗那入乡随俗嘛。
Rufus: 那这个哈利王子一杆打到她......
Dan: 在Central Peyrehorade是这样子的......
Rufus: 有些照片里面看到同一个男的在里头,不过看不大清。不知道是谁。
【口语讲解】cat out of the bag