卡卡英语学习报第114期 2009年4月28日
每日一词 | |||
猪流感 swine flu 墨西哥爆发猪流感疫情后,截至4月27日,疑因感染这种新型病毒死亡的人数已达81人,美国确认的病例也增至11例,而纽约市还有8个疑似病例。法国、新西兰、以色列也开始纷传疑似病例,使得气氛愈加紧张,各国纷纷着手加强防范措施。 Churches stood empty yesterday in heavily Roman Catholic Mexico City after services were canceled, and health workers screened airports and bus stations for people sickened by a new strain of swine flu that experts fear could become a global epidemic. 昨日,天主教盛行的墨西哥城各家教堂均不见人影,教堂活动已被取消,卫生部门工作人员在机场和车站巡查感染猪流感的疑似病人,专家表示此次猪流感可能会演变为全球性疫情。 上面的报道中,swine flu就是最近颇受关注的"猪流感",全称为swine influenza,定义为a respiratory disease of pigs caused by type A influenza viruses that causes regular outbreaks in pigs(一种由A类流感病毒引起并在猪中间传播的呼吸系统疾病),此类病毒一般不会传给人类。但是据专业部门研究表示,此次发生在墨西哥的H1N1类猪流感病毒具传染性,而且还会在人类中传播。 The symptoms of swine flu in people are similar to the symptoms of regular human flu and include fever, cough, sore throat, body aches, headache, chills and fatigue. Some people have reported diarrhea and vomiting associated with swine flu. 人类感染猪流感表现出的症状与普通流感症状相似,如发烧、咳嗽、咽喉肿痛、身体疼痛、头痛、发冷及易疲劳等。还有人感染猪流感病毒后表现出腹泻及呕吐的症状。 至今,影响到人类的动物类流感有bird flu(禽流感)和swine flu(猪流感),普通的human flu(人类流感)还会因季节的变化而出现seasonal flu(季节性流感)。这些flu虽然症状相似,但是传染度和严重程度却大不相同,需要引起人们足够的重视。 |
每日一句 | |||
Put your cards on the table! 这个短语也写作lay one's cards on the table,意思是"Be open and honest, reveal one's position or intentions, to be completely straightforward and open; conceal nothing",和汉语中经常使用的"摊牌"非常相似。 例句:John laid his cards on the table and told her how much they could afford. |
笑话天地 | |||
Who do you think you are? The bus was crowded, and as one more man tried to get on, the passengers wouldn't let him aboard. 你以为你是谁? 公共汽车上很挤,当又一个人还是试图上车时,乘客们不让他上。 NOTE |