
时间:2010-01-31 15:34:50 来源:英语学习网站


加大农业生产投入 increased input in agricultural production

农业发展补贴基金 agricultural development subsidy fund

农村家电补贴政策 subsidy program for rural families to purchase electrical appliances

家电下乡 Home appliances going to the countryside

农民企业家 Farmer-turned-entrepreneur

城乡差距 rural-urban divide

提高主要农作物最低收购价格 to raise the minimum procurement price for all major grain products

农机、化肥及种子补贴 subsidies for purchase of agricultural machinery , fertilizer and seeds

刺激农村消费,提高农村生活水平 stimulate rural consumption and raise rural living standards

“三农”问题 Issues of agriculture, farmer and rural area

为农村和农业引入更多资源 guide more resources to the vast countryside, as well as agriculture

农村税费改革 Rural Tax and Fee Reform

农民人均年纯收入per capita annual net income of farmers

将农产品价格保持在合理水平 keep prices of farm produce at reasonable level

稳定农作物生产 stabilize grain production

加快农村基础设施建设 step up rural infrastructure construction

进一步稳定农业发展,提高农民收入 further stabilize the development of the agriculture and increase farmers' income

普及农业科学技术 popularize agricultural science and technologies

推进城镇化建设 push forward the urbanization

社会主义新农村 Socialist New Countryside

转基因水稻 genetically modified rice

贫困线 poverty line

贫富差距 wealth gap

政府扶贫投入 government input in poverty relief

发展扶贫 development-oriented poverty alleviation

农村最低生活保障制度 rural subsistence allowances system

发展农村社会保障体系 development of rural social security system

农村合作医疗保障体系 rural cooperative medical care system

新农村社会养老保险体系 new rural social pension insurance system

小额信贷项目 microcredit program


