【情景英语口语100主题】004 Parts of the body 身体部分

时间:2011-06-04 17:46:15 来源:英语学习网站

Parts of the body 身体部分


A: I’m going to the beauty parlor. Do you want to come too?

B: Sure. Let’s go. What are you going to have done?

A: I want to have a foot massage and a haircut.

B: A foot massage sounds like a great idea. They are very relaxing. I’d also like to have a mudpack on my face. It’s supposed to help with my complexion.

A: Good idea. We should also get pedicures and manicures.

B: This could become a very expensive trip to the beauty parlor!

A: I think it’s a good idea to pamper yourself occasionally. Don’t you agree?

B: Oh, I agree. We both work hard and a little beauty treatment can relieve stress.

A: Maybe we should try a thai massage too.

B: What’s special about a thai massage?

A: That’s when the masseuse walks on your back and massages you with her feet.

B: Sounds painful!


A: I hate it when footballers spit on the football pitch during a game. It’s disgusting. I wonder why they do it?

B: I’ve no idea, but spitting is common in many countries.

A: Isn’t it impolite and unsanitary?

B: It’s certainly unsanitary. There are many customs in other countries that may seem strange to us. For example, in Thailand, you should never touch someone on the head.

A: Interesting. I know that in some countries, you shouldn’t blow your nose in front of other people.

B: I think that’s a good custom. I hate it when people do that.

A: A common habit that I hate is chewing with your mouth open. Luckily, adults rarely do it. It seems that kids grow out of it.

B: Do you often scratch your head when you are thinking?

A: Yes, I do. I wonder why people do that? Oh look, I’m doing it now!

B: I rub my chin when I’m thinking. My mother scratches her nose.

A; I’ve got a question for you. Which part of the body do you find most attractive.

B: oh, the eyes-definitely. I really think you can tell a lot about a person’s personality from their eyes.

A: I agree. Which part of the body do you find least attractive?

B: the feet! Why are people’s feet so ugly?

A: I don’t know, but according to this magazine survey, most people agree with you that the feet are the most unattractive part of the body and that eyes are the most attractive.

B: Really? What else does the survey say?



Words Ⅰ.

parlor [ˈpɑːlə] n. (pl. parlors)【美】(通常用来构成合成词)店

beauty parlor 美容院 / massage parlor 按摩院

massage [məˈsɑːʒ] n. (pl. massages)按摩(术);推拿(法)

A massage may relieve your back pain. 按摩可能会减轻你的背痛。

mudpack [ˈmʌdpæk] n.(以漂土,收敛剂等制成为脸部美容的)泥敷膏

complexion [kəmˈplekʃən] n. (pl. complexions)面色,肤色;气色 (the coloring of a person's face )

He has a dark complexion. 他肤色黝黑。

pedicure [ˈpedikjuə] n.足部治疗;修趾甲术;足部治疗医师 (care for one's feet by cutting and shaping the nails, etc. )

manicure [ˈmæniˌkjuə]n. (pl. manicures)修指甲 (care for (one's hand) by cutting and shaping the nails, etc)

give somebody a manicure 给某人修指甲

pamper [ˈpæmpə] vt.纵容,姑息;娇养pamper a child 溺爱孩子

Grandparents often pamper the children.祖父母经常会溺爱孩子。

masseuse [mæˈsəːz] n.女按摩师a female massager

spit on the street 在街道上吐痰 / spit on the ground 随地吐痰

spit on sidewalks 在人行道上吐痰

the football pitch 足球场

disgusting [disˈgʌstiŋ] a.令人作呕的;十分讨厌的,可憎的

The dirty street was disgusting. 那条肮脏的街道令人作呕。

impolite [ˌimpəˈlait] a.无礼的

unsanitary [ˈʌnˈsænitəri] a.不卫生的;有碍健康的unhealthy; dirty

sanitary [ˈsænitəri] a.公共卫生的;卫生上的 /卫生的;清洁的

He worked hard to improve the sanitary conditions of the slums. 他努力改进贫民窟的卫生条件。

There was a small and not very sanitary inn nearby. 附近有一家不那么卫生的小客栈。

sanitary pad 【英】卫生巾,卫生垫,卫生棉

n. (pl. sanitaries) 公共厕所

blow one’s nose 擤鼻涕 (wipe 擦 sniff 用力吸)

have a runny nose 不停地流鼻涕

chew: biting food in your mouth so it becomes soft enough to swallow

grow out of: To become too physically large for something, especially clothes; To become too mature for something

因长大而丢弃 She has grown out of all her old clothes. 她因为长大而丢弃了旧衣服。

scratch [skrætʃ] vt. ( scratched; scratched; scratching)抓;搔

He pretended to scratch his ear. 他假装搔耳朵。

( scratch card 刮刮卡 )

rub [rʌb] vt.( rubbed; rubbed; rubbing)擦,磨擦;使相擦 ( move over something with pressure; "rub my hands";)

The cat rubbed its back against my leg. 猫用背擦我的腿。

chin [tʃin] n.颏,下巴 She rested her chin on her hand. 她用手撑着下巴。

double chin 双下巴

keep one's chin up 不气馁 ... 更多


Words Ⅱ.

Head/ face /ears/ eye /nose/ neck/ shoulder /arm /hand

chest /stomach / /leg /feet /toe /elbow /palm

back /knee /wrist /chin /cheek /forehead /hair

waist [weist] 腰,腰部

ankle [ˈæŋkl] n. (pl. ankles) 踝,足踝

elbow [ˈelbəu] n. (pl. elbows)肘;(衣服的)肘部

thigh [ɵai] 股,大腿 The water was up to my thighs. 水淹到我的大腿。

palm [pɑːm] n. (pl. palms)手掌,手心

She placed the money in his palm. 她把钱放在他的手心里。

wrist [rist]n. (pl. wrists)腕;腕关节

cheek [tʃiːk] n. (pl. cheeks)脸颊;腮帮子

The little girl has rosy cheeks. 那个小女孩脸颊红润。



Thin-faced/ round-faced /long-legged /blow your nose /

shake your head /open your eyes /brush your hair/ wash your face


