卡卡英语学习报第93期 2009年3月2日
每日一词 | |||
网络钓鱼 phishing 如果有一天你查看博客时收到了这样的信息:嘿,请查看这篇有关你的有趣博客,那么千万不要点击,这是"网络钓鱼"式攻击手段。点击后,用户将被指向一个虚假的登录页面,并被窃取登录密码。更糟糕的是,有些网银客户还因此被窃取了银行卡账号密码等信息,导致账户中的存款不翼而飞。 This weekend, Twitter admitted that it is the most recent target of a phishing scam, and warned users to be wary of messages that redirect them to a look-alike sites and ask them to login using their username and password. 美国微型博客网站Twitter本周承认他们成为"网络钓鱼"诈骗的最新受害者,提醒用户警惕会将其链向外观相仿的虚假网站,并使用用户名和密码登陆的信息。 Phishing与fishing发音很接近,因此被称为"网络钓鱼"。它是通过大量发送声称来自于银行或其他知名机构的欺骗性垃圾邮件,意图引诱收信人给出个人信息(如用户名、口令、银行账号或信用卡密码)的一种攻击方式。最典型的网络钓鱼攻击是将收信人引诱到一个通过精心设计与目标组织的网站非常相似的钓鱼网站上,并获取收信人在此网站上输入的个人敏感信息,通常这个攻击过程不会让受害者警觉。而 phishing scam 就被称为"钓鱼式欺诈"。 随着phishing site(钓鱼网站)日益猖獗,phishing e-mail(诈骗邮件)日益泛滥, anti-phishing(反网络钓鱼)软件也应运而生,比如微软就在IE7.0中加入了phishing filter(网络钓鱼过滤器)。但要想防止被骗,还需要我们平时多加小心。 上面报道中还出现了一个词scam,它的意思就是指"诡计、诈骗",既可以做动词也可以做名词。如:You must not scam or deceive other players. (你不能欺骗其他的玩家)。He took one look at her and figured it was a scam.(他就看了她一眼,就认定她在玩花样)。如今骗子的花样越来越多了,难怪会耍嘴皮子的大骗子被称为scam artist。 |
每日一句 | |||
He is both a soldier and a poet.
每日一图 | |||
Dancers decked out in pinwheels of red feathers wait for the merrymaking to begin at Notting Hill Carnival, one of Europe's largest festivals. The carnival was started in the 1960s by West Indian immigrants who wanted to counteract area race riots, and today it lures fans from around the globe to join the exotic two-day party. |
笑话天地 | |||
Talking on the Telephone Each Sunday the minister called the children to the front of the church while he told them a story. Once he brought a telephone to better illustrate the idea of prayer. "You talk to people on the telephone and don't see them on the other end of the line, right?" he began. The Just then a little boy piped up and asked, "What's his number?" 在电话中交谈 每个星期天牧师都会把孩子们叫到教堂前面,然后给他们讲一个故事。一天,他为了更好地阐述祈祷的含义,带来了一台电话机。 |